On first start up, batteries need to be charged for a full 24 hours and then put on emergency test for 3 hours to drain them. Normal power up can then be performed.
Testing should be carried out in accordance with I.S. 3217:2013 and involve a systematic schedule of testing.
- Monthly: The period of simulated failure should be sufficient for the purpose of this test while minimising damage to the system components. (30secs). During this period, all luminaires and signs shall be checked to ensure that they are clean and functioning correctly.
- Quarterly: During this test, each emergency light is illuminated from its battery source for 30 minutes.
- Annually: During this test, each emergency light is illuminated from its battery source for 3 hours.
All fittings are examined to ensure that they are functioning correctly. A log book is kept, checked and filled out as appropriate and a certificate of testing is issued on completion.